Moringa flower honey with The Moringa pods have three times the amount of Vitamin C of an Orange. Moringa is also one of a kind as its leaves are rich in essential amino acids which are unique in plants. Moringa is rich in protein and is a source of good cholesterol. It is used as a stimulant for milk production when breastfeeding and the leaves can be dried and made into a powder. Another way is to make a delicious tea. This Tea manages blood glucose level, stabilizes high blood pressure, and promote a good night sleep. The tea is used as an energy booster even though Moringa tea does not contain caffeine! Traditional medicine techniques use Moringa leaves to treat gastrointestinal problems, headache, inflammation, anaemia, fever, eye infection, bronchitis, poor nutrition, inner ear infections and skin infections.

Products from the Moringa tree are well known for their antioxidant, anti-aging and anti-bacterial qualities. Blue Gold Works provides African farmers with a market for source verified, organic Moringa oil and Moringa honey for export to high end cosmetics firms. By year 5, Blue Gold Works will return revenue of $9 million directly to the farmers. We also educate and support the farmers’ efforts to remain organic and improve the soil and environment. Farmers working with Blue Gold Works will have planted an additional 600 hectares of Moringa trees, sequestering 44 million pounds of CO2 per year. Read more information at Moringa water treatment.

In villages from Sudan to the Himalayas, seeds of the Moringa Oleifera tree have been used for centuries to purify water. Recently, research has shown this inexpensive, plentiful, biodegradable substance capable of much more. BGW allows women waterpreneurs in Africa using our plant-based filter to treat and sell drinking water that is safer, less expensive, and more convenient than all competitors. We make money by professionally managing the supply chain of added-value Moringa products (organic Moringa oil and monofloral honey) from our African farming cooperatives to Western premium skin care brands.

Lynn Langford Created and implemented a value chain improvement program at automotive giant and implemented US$640 million dollars of savings in 18 months. Frank Burkhart: More than 30 years experience running his own successful direct marketing firm. Reliably able to craft win-win solutions. So well liked and respected he retained customers for decades, even when they moved to other companies. Alex Omijeh, Director, Regional Market Development : Economist, social impact entrepreneur. Co-Founder Blue Gold Works (Nig) Ltd. CEO Starcodes Canada Inc. Canada.

The seeds can even be crushed and added to murky water to purify it, as it acts as a natural binder. This Binder either moves the undesired particles to the bottom or allows them to float to the surface. On the surface, it is easy to remove. It is only about 2 to 3 seeds per litre of water. The San people used the Moringa tree as a supply for water, especially in the desert regions of Southern Africa. They would make a small hole in the bottom of the tree trunk. Just big enough to fit in a piece of reed. After a while, the tree sap would start to flow. The san collected the watery liquid, in ostrich shells, it is quite bitter, but in time of no to very little water available, this was good enough to keep them going! They would then reseal the hole with a piece of clay made from the tree sap and some soil which prevents the tree from rotting and move on to their next destination. Find extra details on here.