Fish pets tank mates recommendations? The Cherry Barb originated from the shallow ponds of Sri Lanka. It grows up to be only 2 inches long and has a life span of 5 years. They are peaceful and easy to maintain, but they require a well-maintained tank. Keeping cherry barbs with other males could cause some rivalry, making their colors more vivid. They are dubbed “Tiger” Plecos because their stripes are similar to that of a tiger. They are native to the Amazon river, which makes them skilled in swimming against currents. It is advisable to set up an aquarium that provides a similarly powerful current because this is what they enjoy. They love to play hide-and-seek, so set up a tank with accessories that can serve as their hiding spots. This species can become more aggressive as it matures, so you should consider placing them in a large community tank to help lessen their aggressiveness.

Just like keeping any pet in the house, there are things you’ll need to watch when keeping tropical fish: Tropical fish can die very easily when something goes wrong with the tank. Often by the time you notice something is wrong with the tank or the fish, it will be too late for you to do anything for them (although you can take you lessons learned for the next aquarium you set up). Tropical fish do require more care than a plant; you must know how to change the water, clean the tank, and what to feed them. As opposed to bringing other type pets into the house, set up costs for fish keeping can be expensive. You’ll need to put in an investment in terms of the tank and the accessories. Plus many fish are not cheap! Tropical fish are living creatures. Things happen to them, even when you’re not paying attention. So they aren’t just design features and will require your frequent attention and care. If you keep your tropical fish tank without doing any research, things can get ugly! For example you can have algae blooms or snail infestations that are very hard to eradicate. Read even more details at

If you want your aquarium to have an attractive appearance, and the fish and plants were healthy, you need to take care of it. Although some fish are very good at cleaning the aquarium, a human must still take care of the aquarium. Having an aquarium with freshwater inhabitants at home is a responsible hobby. Many factors affect aquarium pollution: lighting, type of algae, frequency of feeding, number of aquarium inhabitants, presence of putrid bacteria, and more.

Frequent water changes replace minor and trace elements that are pulled out of the water by corals. This includes elements such as potassium, iron, strontium, and other lesser known elements found in salt mixes. Major elements such as Alkalinity, Calcium, and Magnesium are commonly added back in to the aquarium by dosing, and are removed much faster than water changes can replenish (for more information on major elements, see the article Understanding and Balancing Alkalinity, Calcium, and Magnesium in Saltwater Aquariums). Though major elements are easily maintained through dosing, minor and trace elements are much more difficult to maintain this way. This is because measuring the consumption of each minor and trace element and adding it to the water is both expensive and time consuming. Conducting frequent, weekly, water changes of 15 – 20% of the total water volume of the tank will help replenish the lesser measured minor and trace elements. Though you may need to dose these elements if you try to keep difficult, high end corals. However, for most of us in the hobby, frequent water changes will help your aquarium maintain these levels. Find more details on kuhli loach.