CBSE exam preparation? Without a proper planning, it’s almost impossible to reach your target. Therefore, to make an effective preparation for the upcoming CBSE board exams, every student must prepare a proper study time table first and then make a habit to stick to the same.

I am a teacher myself, and I use to teach the students of the 10th and 12th class of CBSE and ICSE/ISC board. And there is a very common question generally asked by my students, what are the tips and strategies to score more than 90+ percentage in 12th class? Undoubtedly, this is a genuine question. Every good student is always worried about his/her percentage in the Board Exam. With all past experience, today I am going to share some tips and tricks which are very useful for the students of class 10th & 12th to score 90+ percentage.

The next important thing is time management. The reading time is the most crucial, use it carefully. If you’re stuck on a question, leave some space and keep moving forward. You can revisit it later with a fresh mind.

These aides in cbse test preparation and JEE tests too. Educators can without much of a stretch utilize this application to make an understudy batch and keeping in mind that the application sets questions the instructor can screen the advancement of every understudy without any problem. K factor is an extraordinary instructive help for schools moreover. Every candidate gets redid question papers as per merit and the multiple batch of understudies can be observed without any problem. Do you know your strength and weakness ? Are you ever in doubt that you are lagging behind others or may not be able to score enough to pass the JEE Entrance ? Do you think you need better preparation for CBSE or ICSE classes to score more in examinations? See more information on CBSE Exam app.

Would you like to conduct assessment from home ? Like to understand the level of preparation of your students for Joint Entrance Exams (JEE), NEET or ICSE or CBSE or even WBBSE during this lockdown period sitting at home. Conducting exam when tuitions are open is not so easy either. K Factor is the best application for test preparation for wbbse and neet too. It gives ai put together questions depending with respect to dok or profundity of information on the understudy naturally. Each test accompanies an appraisal for simple understanding of the degree of studies, candidate quality and shortcomings. This aides in cbse test preparation and JEE tests moreover.

Each student gets customized question papers according to merit and the multiple batch of students can be monitored easily. K factor is the best app for students replacing suggestions for ICSE, and question answer books for CBSE – it helps a student to learn in a scientific way for success in JEE and other entrance exams apart from ICSE, CBSE, NEE and WBBSE which are already included in the app. Read more information on