Dropshipping tips and software solutions? Whether your dropship fashion, engineering items, or decorative pillows, customers will be able to periodically receive newsletters where you will notify them of the latest offers on your website, remind them of the products they liked, or simply send them material as an extra value. It can be difficult to get behind the camera if you are not very comfortable with video. At first, it might even take a long time. But you should know that more than 80% of internet users are on social media. In addition, visual content often generates a higher engagement rate. And even more impressive, 80% of people who said that they watched a YouTube video related to a product they want to buy said that they did so at the beginning of their buying process. These statistics prove that video marketing, which is really under-exploited in e-commerce, is nevertheless an effective strategy.

Cheap China manufacturers is what started the dropshipping business. What are the payment options? Many factories require an initial payment before a preproduction process. The tool deposit is 50%, and completion process is 50%. Also, if a factory request for 100% or complete payment upfront, this could be suspicious. Orders will inevitably arrive late in some situations. But what happens then? Usually, the factory would be active when it comes to preventing delays, and the agreement would involve a penalty clause that can be handled comfortably. Also, this can be hard to enforce with vendors aboard. It can be challenging to negotiate a penalty clause if the MOQ is not substantial.

Its main feature is to allow the purchase of a small number of items (retail) which, however, being already finished products, cannot be customized and modified unlike the products on Alibaba. All suppliers on Alibaba sell wholesale goods and ask for a rather high MOQ (minimum order quantity). In fact, these companies do not have the products in their warehouse but will produce them according to your order. On the contrary, on AliExpress you buy finished products and consequently, you can also buy them in super small quantities. Alibaba does not process any payments. Therefore it does not take any responsibility for the financial transactions between customers and suppliers. Instead, on AliExpress, being able to pay online, with Paypal you can have the certification of a transaction made. Read even more information at The Most Common Shipping Methods for Dropshipping, which is the best.

Why China dropshipping? China is the world’s number-one producer of cement, steel, and chemical fertilizers. Of the ten largest steel producers in the world, six are based in China with the country’s annual steel production of 683 million tons being the highest in the world. China also has the largest cotton textile output of any country with textile manufacturing accounting for 10% of the country’s gross industrial output. China is the third largest producer of automobiles in the world behind the US and Japan with the annual automobile export being estimated to be $70 billion. The automobile sector experienced a dramatic growth in the past few decades with the country’s annual automobile output increasing from 1.45 million units in 1995 to over 13.7 million units in 2009. Manufactured products account for about 94.3% of China’s $2.09 trillion total exports which include automobiles, ships, locomotives, textiles, fertilizers, and electronics.

Biggest companies in China ? The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) is the largest of ‘The Big Four’ banks in China and also the largest company in both Asia and the world. ICBC generates $175.9bn in annual sales. Not only is it the largest bank in the world by sales, it also gains the top spot for being regarded as the largest bank in the world by total assets, deposits, loans, number of customers and number of employees. The multinational banking company has over 400,000 employees across. It is unsurprising for this reason that it is also number one in The Banker’s Top 1000 World Banks ranking.

Inside your Yakkyofy Dashboard you can find all your orders tracking numbers for easily managing and following all your deliveries step by step. Yakkyofy allows you to send different products, bought by the same customer in the same order, paying only for one delivery. Do you want to be sure to always deliver your products in time and short your processing time? With Yakkyofy you can buy products in stock and keep them in your Virtual Warehouse, ready to be shipped whenever you prefer. Yakkyofy saves, also, the returned products for you and stores them in your account ready to be sold again. See extra details at Common shipping methods for Dropshipping.