Looking for a digital marketing agency in Mumbai offering smart forms ? We have excellent news for you! We will talk about the latest marketing methods in 2020 and also introduce you to one of the leading digital marketing agencies in India.

Video marketing has been an important tactic for big brands for years. But video is changing. By 2020, video will make up more than 85% of all consumer internet traffic in the U.S. Most of the videos people will be watching won’t be uploaded by brands or businesses – they’ll be uploaded by individuals. One of the biggest hang-ups many businesses have with video marketing is the production aspect. They want their videos to look professional – like they were produced by Hollywood directors. But you can do fine by using simple recording and editing tools. For example, InVideo can help you create stunning professional-level videos in minutes with pre-made templates. Most importantly, people aren’t looking for dazzling special effects. They just want good content that’s entertaining, informative, and story-driven. Not only does HubSpot introduce its new video series, “Brilliant,” the company tells the story of an entrepreneur who overcame significant challenges and built a business through persistence and determination. The video contains some excellent production elements, but it’s the story that drives it. These are the types of videos that garner attention and go viral. Instead of selling software, HubSpot has found a way to build a community around its brand. And that type of brand recognition is priceless.

We work with companies that have launched their business using traditional marketing methods like print, radio or TV. They hadn’t figured out how to take the next steps with digital tools like search engine optimisation, social media, video and mobile. We work with Google as a partner and offer many unique services including robust in-house developed reporting and real-time campaign optimisation. For years we’ve been helping businesses and this grew to businesses in Mumbai and now the entire India working as a partner to capture the power of digital marketing for any business. We have clients inform us that after implementing an online marketing campaign with us, they have seen revenues increase on average over 50% within 6 months. When the question is asked “Who is the best Google SEO company in India” well you will find companies in our own sector using Go Lead Digital as an indication of what they are achieving due to us being one of the oldest digital marketing agencies and dominating rankings which makes us very proud. Find more info on Digital Marketing Agency In Mumbai.

If you haven’t already realized it, 2020 may be the year that a lot of people wake up to the dominance of artificial intelligence (AI). It’s sure to be at the heart of global business and industry in the future – and it’s already taking over many simple jobs. For example, Microsoft and Uber use Knightscope K5 robots to “patrol parking lots and large outdoor areas to predict and prevent crime. The robots can read license plates, report suspicious activity, and collect data to report to their owners.” You can rent these R2-D2-like robots for $7 an hour – which is less expensive than a human security guard’s wage: Just a couple years ago, Gartner analysts predicted that by 2020, AI technologies would be pervasive in almost every new software product and service – a prediction that Harvard Business Review seconded earlier in 2019.

The digital experiences we create are unique, engaging and results-focused, integrating the highest levels of creativity and technology. We fuel online and treat every single client`s business as if it`s our own. We deep dive into your industry, the data, the ROI, and own it. Our clients know us as a committed digital marketing partner who delivers on time, on budget & above expectations. We EAT, SLEEP, and CREATE Digital Vibes at Go Lead Digital Marketing Firm! Source: https://www.goleaddigital.com/.