Searching for money debt advices to improve your financial positions and to avoid cash problems ? Although this seems a touchy subject, the reason for having a life insurance policy on a child is about cash accumulation, explains industry pro, Thomas. “Compound interest works best when you have a lot of cash or a lot of time. Kids have a lot of time. “When buying an Indexed Universal Life Insurance policy for a child, the cost is very low and remains the same over the life of the policy, while the cash continues to grow. The parent owns the cash and can borrow from it. The parent can also assign ownership to the adult child one day, along with the cash, just in time for adult things like a down-payment on a home. Or the child can create retirement income with the policy.”

Now, your budget and net worth might give you some insight, but I like all my current debt down separately. Not only the total amounts, but interest rates, amount of the minimum payments, loan length, etc. It helped me organize what should be paid first, if I should make extra payments, and beyond. Nothing like seeing close to $50,000 in debt when you have $1,000 only in the bank, but that opened my eyes a bit more. See more details at Save Money Tips.

70% of Americans don’t have a will. If you have dependents, no matter how little or how much you own, you need a will. If your situation isn’t too complicated you can even do your own with software like WillMaker from Nolo Press. Protect your loved ones. Write a will. If you don’t keep good records, you’re probably not claiming all your allowable income tax deductions and credits. Set up a system now and use it all year. It’s much easier than scrambling to find everything at tax time, only to miss items that might have saved you money.

Spend Less Than You Earn: Yeah, yeah, I know, it sounds obvious, right? Well, it must not be because according to CNBC, 78% of Americans working full-time are living paycheck to paycheck. Here’s the thing: It’s easy to KNOW that you should be spending less than you earn, it’s a lot harder to actually do it. However, if you want to escape the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle that so many others live, you need to spend less than you earn. This is one of the most crucial but basic personal finance tips ever. In order to do this, you need to track your spending. You can do this by either writing your purchases down or by using a free personal finance app. Business Debt: There are a lot of online business ideas you can start on the cheap these days, but a small investment can also go a long way in certain endeavors. Business loans are considered good debt because they are put towards something with the goal of increasing your net worth. Visit: