Transnistria tours with unrecognized countries travel? Surrounded by beautiful nature and composed of a good-looking old city and houses, Aqrah (or Akre) is a pretty, photogenic town and one of the most beautiful places to visit in Iraqi Kurdistan. Its history is a bit uncertain and I never found much information about it, but it’s a pleasant place to walk around and meet some nice locals. I actually met there a very interesting man named Ramzi, a 50-something-year-old dude who had lived in Austria for many years, yet, he had to come back because Saddam Hussein threatened to kill his family if he didn’t come back. He also told me a recent sad story about the Islamic State killing his brother, in revenge because he was working as a translator for the Americans. If you want to know more about him, read my Tales of Iraqi Kurdistan.

Turkmenistan is a country in Central Asia bordered by the Caspian Sea and largely covered by the Karakum Desert. It’s known for archaeological ruins including those at Nisa and Merv, major stops along the ancient trade route the Silk Road. Ashgabat, the capital, was rebuilt in Soviet style in the mid-20th century and is filled with grand monuments honoring former president Saparmurat Niyazov. The country’s capital, Ashgabat, has been described as a cross between Pyongyang and Las Vegas. Despite its rich past history, Turkmenistan is a relatively young state. It declared its independence in October 1991 following disintegration of the former Soviet Union In March 1992, Turkmenistan became a member of the United Nations (UN). Turkmenistan was once part of the ancient Persian Empire. The Turkmen people were originally pastoral nomads and some of them continued this way of life up into the 20th century, living in transportable dome-shaped felt tents. Read more info at Iraqi Kurdistan Tours.

By the 2nd century BC, when the Greek historian Strabo wrote that Abkhazia was a vibrant winemaking center, locals had already been fermenting grapes for at least two millennia. Clay jars, which would’ve been buried underground and filled with fermenting juice, were discovered in an ancient tomb and dated to around 3000 BC. Though Soviet collectivization annihilated many indigenous grape varieties, you can still find intriguing local blends such as Wines and Beverages of Abkhazia’s “Lykhny.”

In the past, their claims for independence were based primarily on the right to national self-determination, historical continuity and claim for a remedial right to secession, based on alleged human-rights violations. Since 2005, official representatives of several unrecognized countries have repeatedly emphasised the importance of democracy promotion in their political entities. A possible explanation of this phenomenon is in the belief that those states which have demonstrated their economic viability and promote the organization of a democratic state, should have their sovereignty recognized. This being because of the understanding that legitimacy is gained through democracy. Read extra info at