How to obtain many iOS installs for your software? App starts: The number of times users actually open your app also has a significant impact on ranking. Retention: The number of people who uninstall your app vs. the amount who keep it within 30 days also affects rankings. To ensure retention, cater heavily toward your target audience in the app description. Taking all of these into account can dramatically alter the way your app is perceived by the general public, and how it’s treated by app store algorithms. For more information on App Store Optimization, check out this blog post.

How Will The New iOS 12 Updates Affect Your Chances of Being Featured? The iOS 11 redesign made apps easier to discover. The iOS 12 update makes discoverability personalized. Store Maven data shows the App Store drives 50% of app installs. Of that, 21% of app installs come from users who discover mobile apps through a featured App Store placement. Naturally, landing a featured spot in the App Store is a boon for conversions, but an added element of personalization drives downloads further.

Put you in an overall better position. Even when you’ve got some good ranks, and fall a bit of if you’re stopping the installs, your app has already got a lot of benefit from the installs, because the more total installs you have, the easier it is for your app to get better ranks again, or by just organic traffic. Find additional info at Buy ios installs.

In your press releases, mention the fact that you’re looking for feedback. In some cases, the media outlets you’ve sent them to will already have someone on their staff specifically there to review apps. Because you took the time to alert them to something related to your product, they might return the favor by reviewing you positively. And once a publication writes about you, contact every smaller outlet you’ve reached out to in the past. Refer them to the new article and they might write their own with the initial reviews in mind. You can also offer incentives to users who leave you reviews. This is a great method to increase the amount of users who actually choose to do so. Coupon codes, tangible prizes, or redeemable points to be used within the app can all be great encouragement for people to leave you positive reviews.

The only way to earn more from your app, is if you get more organic traffic. This can be a very frustrating problem, because you’re up against millions of other apps on the market. We can make up with your struggle, in some very simple ways. We can help you with everything from App Store Optimization, to reach the very competitive Rank 1 on Any Keyword. With the right strategy and keywords in the right positions, you will surely get more money in the bank, and the more money you earn, the more keywords you can promote, which leads to an never ending circle of success. Find more details at