Landscape design company in Southern California by Siapin Horticulture Inc? You need the job done right? That’s where Siapin Horticulture will come useful to you. We specialize in making the landscape the way that you want it. In Hollywood, at Tioh Park and Play, they were in need of a new parking structure so we got right on that. Outside of the parking structure we installed new decomposed granite walkways and trees surrounding the structure. To give more of an “outdoorsy” vibe we also added boulders for seating. We also planted a vegetable garden for the students. This was all accomplished with us using sustainable landscaping.

How Bioretention works: Do you remember the science class at the university when you made a water purification project at the end with a water bottle, fine sand, fine sand, pebbles, and a coffee filter? A Bioretention is almost the same concept with a few small details added. These shallow depressions in the landscape are designed to mimic the mechanisms of the removal of pollutants in our forest ecosystems that slow down and treat the outflow. Consisting of different elimination mechanisms, each with a specific role, the bioretention zone will intercept the water that flows out of your car park by slowing it down and capturing the various pollutants it has caused. Mechanisms such as a sand bed for filtration, absorption through vegetation, a shallow pond, soil particles, and mulch will help filter pollutants and distribute water evenly in the soil environment.

Here at Siapin Horticulture we sometimes have to navigate many technical details when designing a landscape project take for example this job at Western Asset Plaza in Los Angeles where we had to blow in “lightweight soil” to reduce the weight load on the planters because underneath is a parking structure. We also kept in mind that though we have had plenty of rain here in So Cal we are still in drought mode. Find additional information at Landscape Design and Construction.

Landscape Maintenance: When you’ve made an investment in landscape and design, it’s important that you maintain it properly to protect your investment. As a leading Southern California Landscape Construction Company, we will protect your investment for you with reliable maintenance. Whether you have a small landscape or a large one, our dedication is the same. When you invest in landscaping plants and landscaping shrubs, you want to protect them. When you need irrigation repairs to protect those important plants, we’ll be there for you. Our crews have full knowledge of drainage solutions, plant protection, irrigation and controller systems, etc.

As a leading landscape construction company in Southern California, we are dedicated to excellence with our projects. Whether we are installing new projects, upgrading projects or providing landscape maintenance, we provide quality results. There are many landscape companies to choose from, so why not choose the very best? Our construction and maintenance crews have the experience and dedication our clients require.

Infiltration trenches: They are rock-filled trenches without any channels. These trenches collect off flow during a storm and dump them into the ground through infiltration. These ditches can be used in combination with other rainwater devices with an inlet filter. This will reduce the peak flow and regulate the quality of the water. Runoff with a lot of oil or sediment that can clog the drain may have to be pre-treated with other techniques, such as drainage of water quality. Discover more details at