Behavioural Capitalism is a version of capitalism in which human action becomes the most important factor for the production and provision of goods and services. The world is experiencing a change of times and an era of change. Dynamic, fast and at which point can this be recognized more clearly than by technological progress, which powerfully and at an incredible speed changes personal and community life and leaves almost no field untouched, be it politics, society or economy. Within the framework of this process, influence has shifted and new ones have been established. But all that almost imperceptibly, almost creepingly in the shadows and yet at the end almost all of it tangent.

Behaviour means acting, tolerating as well as not acting. The processes can be conscious or unconscious. It is influenced and produced by stimuli. They were the great behavioral capitalists. Now they analyse the homo stimulus and try to generate information or data on the basis of its behaviour or to offer or mediate products and services. Tailored to the individual. The raw material “behaviour” became a production factor. You can see this Video explaining what Behavioral Capitalism is.

Behavioral Capitalism concept was created by Andreas Herteux, a german economist, philosopher, publicist and author. Andreas Herteux founded Erich von Werner Society , a group dedicated to constantly analyze the global situation, arrange it, prepares it and designs appropriate models as well as theories for the representation of the reality. The Erich von Werner Society makes a significant contribution to the understanding of current and future world events. More info on Behavioral Capitalism.

Today, behaviour is also a central production factor for classical and Financial Capitalism and complements labour, land and capital. This behaviour is then used directly as merchandise or processed into satisfaction and/or forecast products in a production process.

Behavioural Capitalismhas therefore becomefirmly established, but without being perceived as such. State-of-the-art technology enables a never-before-seen embedding that can penetrate into the most intimate areas of the individual. A development that requires closer scrutiny and must not continueto take place in the shadows, for an unleashed Behavioural Capitalismwould be an even stronger force than Financial Capitalism ever was. He would be a means of domination. You can buy the book on Amazon : Behavioral Capitalism on Amazon – Direct Link(no affiliate).

The Erich von Werner Society assumes that the planet and the people on it is approaching a new era. These changes are because of or are accelerated by factors, which in combination and interaction with each other will trigger a new era: Weakness of the Western world (e.g. instability, diminishing confidence in existing orders, loss of competitiveness, the political rise of China). A couple of the world’s most urgent problems : Displacement: The number of individuals who were forced to flee their homes has skyrocketed drastically in recent years. The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (iDMC) reported that 31.1 million individuals were displaced in 2016. Displacement could occur after natural disasters or throughout war. Unfortunately displaced individuals have increased to approximately 59.5 million due to continuing conflict in the Middle East. In Syria alone, there are about 11 million refugees, which include young children. The number of hungry people in the world has increased over the last few years. One in nine people in the world habitually go hungry, and, as a result, suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Food security is the biggest threat to the overall health of the human population, more so that malaria, tuberculosis or HIV.