Everest trekking guides for an incredible travel destination. Here are some advices if you plan to tour Nepal. Bring Some of your Favorite Treats. For many people, including myself, it can be very difficult to eat at high altitude. Even with all of the physical energy you are exerting, for some reason, food does not always sound good when you are at altitude. Personally, I am not sure if it is nerves of the unexpected for me or the altitude at all, but forcing myself to eat in the mountains can be a daunting task. The main thing to remember regarding this is that you are burning a TON of calories while trekking in the Himalayas and your body needs to replenish these calories if you want the best possible chance of being successful. It is so important to eat, whatever it may be, to get in these much needed calories. This is why I always pack a few extra goodies in my bag before leaving home! Having some familiar food favorites in the mountains can be just the push you need on tough days to get through them. I have been known to bring anything from protein bars to peanut butter and a bag of my favorite sweets in my pack, when I might need an extra kick! Don’t let this scare you into thinking that you will not have enough food to eat in the mountains”? this is far from the reality. You will be overwhelmed by the plethora of food on offer every meal, everything from eggs to stir-fry and spaghetti is always on offer as you order your food from a menu at the majority of the tea houses. There is always plenty of food to choose from in the mountains, but when your tummy is having a hard time with the altitude, those familiar snacks may be all you can get down. So remember, within reason (you definitely do not want to be carrying too much un-necessary weight up the mountain), bring yourself a little treat when for you may need it the most!

Manaslu region trekking is one of the hidden gem in the central north part of Nepal. Manaslu towering at 8167m the 8th highest peak of the world is conquered by few and acclaimed as one of the most dangerous 8000er peak. The Manaslu region trekking gives you an opportunity to walk through one of the most varied landscape due to it’s wide altitude variation. The trek starts from Arughat which is at mere 500m and goes to the elevation of Larkya pass at 5143m. You experience the sub tropical climate to the high mountain climate in one trek. At the end of your trek you also traverse through the section of Manaslu circuit trek making it an ace. The journey is full of scenic locations, beautiful villages, rich Tibetan influenced culture and amazing mountain views. The Manaslu region trek can be done directly through the Larkya or visiting the isolated and sacred villages of Tsum valley. It requires a special permit to get in this region which is still far away from the modern civilization. We can see the Buddhist monasteries, Mani walls, prayer flags all along our way. The region is attracting more visitors in recent years. However, the authenticity and the unmatchable panorama is still intact which the visitors get to see still today. Manaslu region trek is certainly a great way to see diverse Nepal and soak in it’s pure form.

Top tips : Do some shopping in Namche Bazaar. We found some great deals that rivaled Kathmandu contrary to popular belief. The Sherpa Store was one of our favorite places and a portion of the sales go to help the Sherpas and Porters in the Everest Region.

Prepare for Cold and Rain – If it’s sunny you might be surprised at how warm it can get during the day. Most trekkers wear t-shirts and shorts for the first few days while the elevation is still low. When the sunsets the temperatures drop quick. Wear a warm hat while sleeping and take a Nalgene bottle filled with hot water and keep it in your sleeping bag to stay warm. Even if it looks like a sunny day make sure to carry a poncho in your day pack.

The question comes that is it safe and can I trust to the local company? Of course, it is absolutely safe and you can trust the local organizer for the Everest base camp trek. It is a lot cheaper if you book your trip with a local company and will be a great help for the Nepalese local economy. Frolic Adventure is organizing many trekking trips to the Everest base camp after working for many years as a trekking leader. We organize Everest base camp private trip and a group joining trips as your request. We make any suitable itinerary according to your time frame and physical fitness. There are thousands of trekking companies with different prices and different services. We offer this trek with reasonable cost and reliable service. The cost here you see with service includes and excludes below is normal. So we can make it cheaper and bit expensive with minimizing and maximizing the service inclusion and exclusion of the city tour and as your offered accommodation types in Kathmandu. Discover more info https://www.frolicadventure.com/everest-base-camp-trek.

Our vision to empower the local economy and promote the Nepali way of living which is often filled with playfulness and laughter has led to more than a thousand satisfied customers. Our clients seem to enjoy the flexibility with which we conduct our work, ensuring an open and healthy flow of dialogue where we are there, to solve their every query regarding the trips, no matter how small. In addition to this, our clients also enjoy carefully designed itineraries by experts, which includes both famous destinations and off-beat paths for a unique experience. Why with Frolic Adventure? Introduce You to the Nepali Way. Many envy the Nepali way of living for their simplified outlook on life, as our trips proceed we ensure that you get a taste of this beautiful simplicity. We put special focus on educating you about our culture by making sure that you get the chance to interact with the diversity of food and heritage this country has to offer.