Best aircon servicing company in Singapore by Ezaircon? AC Installation: We offer to install all types of residential and commercial air conditioners at efficient prices. Our qualified and experienced technicians also offer to help if you’re looking to install an aircon in your new home or wish to replace an existing unit. We’ll understand your cooling needs and space requirements and recommend accordingly. Find even more information on aircon servicing Singapore. Aircon servicing is important to keep your family healthy and free from allergies. At EZ Aircon, we’ll clean the aircon components, check all parts to look for potential problems. Regular servicing also promotes energy efficiency and keeps electricity bills low.

Your HVAC air filter, whether you have a MERV 13 or HEPA filter, will negatively impact your air conditioner’s performance as it gets dirty. Your HVAC filter is designed to capture dust, hair, pollen, mold, viruses, and other pathogens, but it doesn’t last forever. You have to change it; otherwise, it will get so dirty that it will block airflow, resulting in increased cooling cost and damage to your AC unit if you go too long with changing it. Note: How often you should change your filter depends on the type of filter and the condition of your home, but the rule of thumb is to change it out once every six months. Some filters can last up to a year, but if you have lots of furry pets, you may have to change your filter more often than twice a year. Check for a clogged filter once every month or so and replace it if it looks dirty— you’ll know when to replace it when you see a thick layer of dust on it.

Install window treatments. Energy efficient window treatments or coverings such as blinds, shades and films can slash heat gain when temperatures rise. These devices not only improve the look of your home but also reduce energy costs. Caulk air leaks. Using low-cost caulk to seal cracks and openings in your home keeps warm air out — and cash in your wallet. Bring in sunlight. During daylight hours, switch off artificial lights and use windows and skylights to brighten your home.

It’s hard to imagine life in Singapore without an air conditioner. But keeping your home or office comfortable comes at a price – Singaporeans reportedly spend a huge portion of their income on energy bills. Read on if you’d like to keep your electricity bills manageable without switching off the air conditioner: Stick To Your Aircon Maintenance & Repair Schedule: Worn-out aircons consume more power than well-maintained systems. Make sure you don’t miss your aircon maintenance and repair schedule with us. We’ll check for coolant leaks, clogged vents, stuck vents, and other factors that affect ac performance and eventually lead to a total breakdown. Among other things, our aircon servicing technician will monitor refrigerant levels, clean the air filters and ducts, and clear drains – all of which eventually lead to lower energy bills.

Life without an aircon is impossible to imagine in Singapore. No wonder our late Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew considered it to be the 20th century’s most important innovation. In fact, we’re often called ‘the air-conditioned nation.’ If you’d like to protect your physical and mental wellbeing, it’s essential to take care of the most electrical equipment in the house – the aircon. As one of the biggest aircon servicing companies in Singapore, here are a few tips to help you extend its lifespan.

Hassle-Free: We provide the best aircon servicing in Singapore, striving to exceed customer expectations and promise 100% satisfaction, guaranteeing peace of mind. We’ll bring our cleaning equipment and leave the space clean, laying floor mats and tarps, wearing shoe coverings, gloves, etc., and taking all care to ensure a stress-free experience. Read additional details on Guarantees and Warranty: With our dedication to customer service and customer satisfaction, we want our customers to have a piece of mind with our services and get the most out of it. Thus, we provide up to 60 days of workmanship warranty on the services engaged with us. We aim to provide high quality services including maintenance and repair services with our team of professionals. If you are under our maintenance package, we provide inspections at no charges for all your air-conditioning system. With the emphasis on our customer relations, we always take pride in our work and offer the best to our customers in Singapore.