Attorneys when tackling personal injury issues in Florida, USA? While alcohol may be the most common cause of impairment for drivers in Orlando, Florida, it is not the only intoxicating substance. Drugged driving also impairs drivers and causes car accidents, with 617 confirmed cases in Florida during 2016. Drugged driving does not just include illegal drugs such as marijuana or cocaine. It can also include prescription drugs, even when the driver is prescribed the medication and following the doctor’s orders. If the prescription still impairs the driver, then it is unreasonable for him or her to get behind the wheel of a vehicle and put the lives and wellbeing of other Floridians at risk.

Do not reduce your demand more than once until you have a new offer from the adjuster. Never reduce your demand twice without an intervening increased offer from the adjuster; it’s simply not good bargaining. If the adjuster comes up with more reasons for a low offer, go over each one. Once you have dealt with all the adjuster’s arguments, you will either get a reasonable offer, or you will have found out that no reasonable offer is coming and you will have to try to put some additional pressure on the insurance company.

Keep your attorney informed of anything that might affect your case. Certainly nothing should be signed without first consulting the attorney. Applications for insurance benefits, reports to the State, any change in doctors, returning to work, any change in treatment, etc., should be reported promptly. Disability or unemployment applications should first be checked by the attorney. Keep your attorney advised of any vacation times when you may not be available. An emergency telephone number and an alternative way of reaching you must be in your attorney’s file at all times.

Insurance companies use various tactics to reduce their liability. Beware of any documents they ask you to sign or any unexpected checks they send you in the mail. Consider talking to an attorney so you don’t accidentally sign away your right to pursue a fair personal injury settlement. Personal injury attorneys have in-depth knowledge and experience in negotiating personal injury settlements. They know how to build a persuasive case and how to take a firm stance with insurance companies. Your attorney will handle everything, including dealing with the insurance company and their team of attorneys.

If you or a loved one were injured by the negligence of a semi truck driver, then an Orlando truck accident may be able to help you recover for your damages. Under Section 95.11 of the Florida Code, a person injured in a truck accident will have four years from the date of the accident to file a negligence lawsuit against the truck driver or their trucking company. More urgently, some of the evidence required to prove negligence can dissipate over time. To ensure you have the strongest case possible, contact us at 407-315-8000. Bengal Law: Florida Accident Lawyers and Personal Injury Attorneys PLLC. Discover even more info on Bengal Law: Florida Accident Lawyers & Personal Injury Attorneys PLLC.

The jury is going to decide your case by looking at the evidence. Even the other party is going to decide whether to offer you a fair settlement based on the strength of your case. That means the more you can do to preserve evidence, the greater the chance of winning your case is going to be. You should take photos of the accident scene and your immediate injuries if you’re able to. It’s important to try to collect names and contact information for witnesses. If there’s a police report, you will want to get a copy as soon as possible. Your attorney can follow up on this information to collect detailed witness statements and prepare the case.