Agile Training in 2021? Scrum is designed to address the complexity of the modern, digital age where ever-changing customer demands determine how we structure our organisations. Scrum depends on the ability of teams to learn from mistakes and self-organise around difficult problems. A lot of the traditional leadership responsibilities (such as planning, quality and customer-communication) are needed at the level of the team. For a leader this means letting go of responsibilities and a possible re-definition of the traditional role. This doesn’t mean we no longer need managers or leaders, but the role will definitely change. Dependent on a teams’ position in the maturity matrix (level 1 to 5) different leadership styles should be applied. As a leader, you should be open to delegate responsibilities and create a plan on how to do so.

Everyone has a voice with agile. This never happened before at Starmark. They had department meetings once a month and discussed how that specific department could run better. Now, every meeting is a company-wide discussion about how the entire company can be better. Team members in different departments can in this way talk to each other to make the entire process smoother. Every morning each work stream gets together for about 10-15 minutes. A different person runs that meeting each day and everybody says what they accomplished yesterday, what they plan to accomplish today, and if there are any blockers- any collaborations that need to occur. Each person should spend no more than a minute.

Peer learning doesn’t usually occur via trainers at an institute but from peer experts. If you have employees with specialized skills, you can ask them to train other employees. You can also use videos and other technologies to learn from peers at other companies or even from peers based in other countries. These practices make learning more flexible, enabling you to look internally for trainers instead of relying on outside people. It also encourages a culture of learning as the company shows that it values people who have skills and want to teach others. Many companies are learning that employees learn better when they learn together. Setting up team projects with certain tasks can help team members learn new skills and also learn from each other. They also form stronger working relationships in the process. These relationships can pay off as employees will be more comfortable reaching out to each other when they need help on certain job tasks. Team learning can transform into peer learning. Read more information at Certified Product Owner course.

When people see that the Scrum Master waits for the whole team to be present, it makes them think that the meeting can’t start without them. But if you start without them and hold them accountable for everything they missed, it gives everyone an incentive to attend on time. Timing is important, and don’t be afraid to respect it. This means that the participants in the meeting don’t fiddle with their phones, look at email and drop the coding. Enforce some rules so that the team members get used to giving their full attention to the discussions and to build respect within the team.

Agile is widely used for a good reason: according to the “11th State of Agile” report carried out by VersionOne, the success rate for the projects delivered with the help of Agile stands at staggering 98%! Software development companies use a variety of Agile methodologies, but the Scrum framework is undoubtedly the most popular of them. The report we’ve just mentioned states that 58% of respondents use the Scrum framework in project management, whereas other practices (Kanban, XP, and others) are less common. Moreover, many web developers combine Scrum with other methodologies. Scrum is a powerful tool that helps software development companies streamline their workflow and make it more efficient in terms of productivity and costs. Find even more details at