Get to know Jack Brown @ Invest Islands and some of his achievements: With a deep-rooted passion for sustainable development, nothing brings Jack more satisfaction than helping investors realise their dreams of owning a slice of paradise and ensuring they exit with an excellent return. Jack is particularly proud of the Invest Islands Foundation who work hard to improve the quality of life of the local communities in Lombok including building a school and building a new recycling centre for waste collected from the ocean.

Discover Some of the Personal Benefits of Investing in Indonesia: The islands of Indonesia account for some of the most stunning and breathtaking beautiful places on earth, featuring unique flora and fauna and undeveloped abundant landscapes. Owning or investing in land and real estate in this environment offers one an exclusive opportunity to take advantage of the rapid growth and development currently taking place in the country. Here at Invest Islands, we work hand-in-hand with a wide range of developers as end users of the land. Our trusted expertise in the industry makes construction simple and hassle-free.

Jack Brown Invest Islands on investment opportunities in Hong Kong : Indonesia’s economy is on the rise, helping the country take its rightful position as a major destination for foreign direct investment (FDI). Indonesia is entering a “sweet spot” as a convergence of its young, working population with that of relatively stable inflation and sustained economic growth which in turn is fuelling overall consumer spending. Finally, the country’s resilience during the global financial crisis illustrates the merits of its immense population and economic self-reliance, demonstrating how these factors buck the trend of most other G20 economies.

Indonesia’s strong economic growth and favorable demographics make it a great country for investors, but there are several risks that investors should be aware of before committing any capital. For instance, the country’s strong growth makes it a premier target for inflation, while the country has a greater geopolitical risk than developed countries like the United States. Strong Historic Growth. Indonesia has been one of the best performing investments throughout the world economic crisis that began in 2008. In fact, it was the only economy posting any real economic growth in 2011 and continues to grow in the years since.

“Operating across the Asia Pacific region, Invest Islands is a land brokerage company based in Lombok Indonesia, with strategic offices in Hong Kong under Asian Island Group. I currently oversee all of the aspects of the Asian Island Group. I also travel to the development sites and visit the Invest Islands Foundation Charity projects. Additionally, I frequently travel to the plantation field at the foot of Mount Rinjani that supplies fresh fruits and vegetables to the Invest Islands Resort in Torok Bay.”

This intention is a good first step, however weak the implementation and enforcement may be. Nevertheless, the government support for these goals is there. To make funds available for action the government has put in place BUMDes (village financing companies); a blended finance policy and has successfully raised USD 2 billion via a “Green Sukuk” (a shariah government green bond). Much of these funds have been allocated for returns-generating SDG-relevant investments. More such Green bonds are likely to follow, like the Green Corporate bond issued by OCBC-NISP with the IFC. On another front, closing the gender gap, although by no means complete, has resulted in marginally more women being financially included (banking services) than men in Indonesia. Jokowi’s first Cabinet has a record 9 women ministers. Women do occupy positions of power, Megawati Soekarnoputri, Soekarno’s daughter, being the iconic example.

Going about his work with an infectious smile, Jack fills rare moments of downtime exploring his interest in art as well as travelling to Barcelona, where he invested in property in 2016, and back to Scotland to see friends and family. Read extra information at Invest Islands.