suggests tricks about how to avoid scams in 2021? An online scam is any scheme designed to trick people out of money or steal their personal information that uses, or is delivered via, digital communications. Here are a few tell-tale signs you might be being scammed: Contact that is out of the blue – even if the person says they’re from a legitimate organisation like the bank, an embassy or your internet provider. Getting told there’s a problem with your phone, laptop or internet connections – often they will offer to fix your device or say they are from your phone or internet company.Being asked for passwords – legitimate organisations will never ask for the passwords to your online accounts.

Latest news with Mytrendingstories platform: Do not pay money—for anything. Legitimate employers don’t charge to hire you. Don’t pay for kits, software, training, or any other tools or procedures. Don’t send money for work-at-home directories, advice on getting hired, company information, or for anything else related to a job. References work both ways. You are as entitled to check a company’s references as they are to check you out. Ask for references if you’re not sure if the company is legitimate. Request a list of other employees or contractors. Then, contact the references to ask how this is working out. If the company isn’t willing to provide references (names, email addresses, and phone numbers), do not consider the opportunity.

MyTrendingStories anti-scam tips: First, don’t trust the messenger, no matter who they say they are or what it says on caller ID. Do not act immediately. Break the contact and take a 10-minute breather. Get some water. Scammers often push “secrecy,” so talk to someone you’re sure is likely to remain calm. Think about your options to independently verify any alarming message. Google is a great scam-confirmation tool. Your local police and your bank are also resources for you in a moment like this. Call them on phone numbers you personally get from their official websites. Find out what you’re really dealing with and then your next steps will become clear — especially if it’s a scam. If your “prior preparation” saves you from falling for a scam, spread the word. Tell others what happened and help them learn how to prepare to save themselves too. See even more info at mytrendingstories scam.

MyTrendingStories teaches how to escape scams: So what’s the point of final sale items? To ward off return-happy customers. According to e-commerce analytics site Invesp, 30% of products ordered online are returned, compared with 8% of items purchased in-store. Although you don’t want to miss out on a good deal, subscribing to a lot of email lists can mean an overflowing inbox. Sure, promotions have a short shelf life, but there most likely is another one down the pipeline. Instead of getting a case of FOMO about promotions, it’s best to sign up for promotions when you’re in the hunt for something. This way you can give your inbox a break and not be tempted by unnecessary sale items.

WARNING: The coronavirus pandemic has seen a rise in scams. There has been an increase in criminals looking to exploit financial and health concerns by asking for money for fake services upfront, collecting personal information or bank details, or offering temptingly high returns on made-up investments or pension transfers. For full information see our blog on coronavirus scams to look out for and how to protect yourself. Scams are fraudulent schemes that dupe people into parting with their personal details and/or cash. They’ve been around for as long as we can remember, but they’re no longer confined to shady door-to-door salesmen or dodgy second-hand car dealers. See extra info on Mytrendingstories scam.