Get to know Mohamed Abdelhay and some of his photos. We will talk how taking pictures with your phone camera can be the foundation for quality graphic design creatives. We asked Mohamed Abdelhay some questions on his Instagram account @Mohamedabdelhay96. Mohamed Abdelhay emphasized that the photo has a strong role, importance and impact, as it is said to do without a thousand words, which is a statement supported by reality, as the image has managed in more than one event to mobilize public opinion towards certain issues and change international attitudes and policies.
Mohamed Abdelhay: ‘Inspiration is all around us. ”Landmarks, the news, a fun conversation with friends, and music can all be a source of inspiration,’ In the end he tell us that he doing that just to practices his talent and because he love pictures and designing, not for money, even if he does all this without any financial compensation. He love to paint photorealistic and all types of pictures, and this was actually a good base for what he’s doing now.
Mohamed Abdelhay said Before the computer era, the illustrations illustrated by hand were considered one of the strongest and most beautiful means of expressing the meaning of the printed material, but with the entry of the computer to the world of design, the illustrative designs became commercial in nature, moving away from the aesthetic side compared to those hand-drawn images, but some professional designers opened Their appetite for this type of technology and they produced the most powerful designs in the history of design, especially since the designer no longer needs to be a skilled painter to draw pictures by hand and add them to his design.
With all this expertise inside that brain of his its only natural for him to want to inspire others. Which is why he has some behind the scenes , showing exactly how he creates these amazing composites. The favorite of mine is the image of the pyramids he taken with his mobile camera and he composite and manipulate it with some fishes and sharks in side the pyramids.
Mohamed Abdelhay also stressed that he does this without any money and for free in order to draw laughter and joy in the face of others by modifying their photos and restoring the past photos to the present and that he does not seek any exchange for money but rather he does this to exercise his talent because he loves design and Photography.
Mohamed AbdelHay stressed that the ideal image cannot be reached, as there is no ideal image from his point of view, especially that estimating things differs from one person to another according to his way of thinking, narrating and convincing him of things, appealing to photograph things or subjects to be photographed on their nature without the need to take care of their external appearance or Change its colors while trying to experiment with all the features of the camera with different pictures and places.
There are several factors on which success of graphic design depends which makes it difficult to differentiate between a particular graphic design rather it is a good design or bad design. Graphic designs are an ideal mixture of both the universe of art and design. Though art concerns the individual understanding of the things and hence is emotional, realistic plans serve a specific capacity. Graphic design is exceptionally fundamental in media outlets as it an incredible narrating gadget. A solitary structure can do all the talking for the item.
From childhood, Mohamed was interested in graphic designing which is a main behind to be a great photographer and graphic designer. He grew up with a solid enthusiasm and want for being an expert designer. To change his destiny he decided to take a graphic designing course in Adobe Egypt that was a leading step toward his goal. He achieved his dreams by using different designing techniques to convert his ideas into extra-ordinary designs that easily attract anyone. He is an expert to use to take photos and use them in his designs which increase the worth of his art.