Looking for Reiki for pets Colorado? Meet Gillian, a certified Canine Therapeutic Massage Therapist (CTMT) Advanced Canine Massage Therapist (ACMT) and a member of International Association of Animal Massage & Body Works (IAAMB). In addition, Gillian continues to keep up with the latest research, learning as much as she can to bring a holistic cooperative approach to animal well-care, sharing tips with animal owners to help care for their animal companions

Yes, it’s true. Giving your dog a massage is also good for you. Science has shown that petting animals actually improves the health of humans. It reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and elevates our moods. This is why so many pet owners tend to be happier people! This is also why therapy animals are so important – science has shown that petting animals greatly improves the mental and physical health of people, regardless of whether or not they want to admit it.

With the belief that holistic animal therapy is centered on love, empathy and respect, Gillian uses her knowledge and skills to help improve an animal’s health and happiness, which can strengthen and deepen their connections to their human companions. Using a combination of animal communication, canine massage and remote or in-person energy healing work, Gillian helps animals activate their natural ability to balance and heal their physical, emotional and mental well-being. Read more info at Pet psychic Denver.

Laying the hands on a specific location can help focus the Reiki on that particular part of the body. Reiki is intelligent energy with a mind of its own and it goes exactly where it’s needed. It can travel over great distances across the world or small bounds across the room. It can even go into the past or future to help heal previous trauma or pave the way for tomorrow’s endeavors.

Another practical use for Reiki is to assist with separation anxiety that a dog may experience when you’re away from home and they’re left at home or boarded away from their home. Many of my clients use my Reiki services in this fashion, even if their dog is doing well otherwise. As a side benefit, knowing that their dog is calm while they are away, it helps ease the mind of the human companion while they’re traveling. When they arrive home, they find their dog to be well-adjusted and at ease. No longer do they worry about the dog’s routine being changed or any unexpected behaviors transpiring while they’re away. Providing Reiki on a regular basis for your dog will help your dog stay emotionally, mentally and physically strong and happy. Please keep in mind that Reiki is typically used as a complimentary therapy and is not a substitute for veterinary care if your dog is sick or injured.

Canine Massage Puts More “Pep” in Charlie’s Step: You’d never know that Charlie, an athletic spaniel/basset mix, is 12 years old. However, his owner noticed subtle signs of aging and wanted to help improve his muscle tone and make him feel good. “Charlie is a high energy, athletic dog, who does everything at 150 percent. Over the course of his canine massage treatment, I noticed him becoming more and more relaxed and calm, even falling asleep as Gillian worked her magic. Dog massage has also helped Charlie’s athleticism. At twelve years old, he still loves to run and fetch. I believe that these animal massage treatments have helped improve his muscle tone. There’s a lot more “pep in his step,” and he is able to catch the ball on a bounce more often. He just seems happier and I am absolutely thrilled with the outcome.” Source: https://fourpawsholistictherapy.com/.