Affordable Europe travel with help from Dominica passport? Barcelona – Sagrada Familia: The massive Roman Catholic church in Barcelona, Spain is officially titled the Basicila i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia. The many jutting and pointed towers including the Tower of the Virgin Mary make this building one of the world’s tallest religious buildings. Berlin – Berlin Wall: While the original Berlin Wall dividing this German city may have fallen in 1989, the city has never forgotten the connection to the Cold War. Today visitors go to see the East Side Gallery that is an open-air memorial dedicated to international freedom.

Incorporating the deltas of the Rhine, the Maas, and the Schelde Rivers, Zeeland includes the numerous islands and peninsulas of the southwestern section of the Netherlands. Much of this area of recently formed land is below sea level and therefore reliant upon impressive dikes, as well as modern flood prevention techniques. As you travel the area, you’ll see evidence of the mega-engineering project known as the Delta Works. These massive structures – basically hi-tech dams – can control how much water enters the area’s key estuaries from the North Sea. Consisting of dams, sluices, locks, dikes, and storm-surge barriers, this awe-inspiring US$7 billion project has been declared one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

The Commonwealth of Dominica passport provides visa-free access to Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Russian, the entire European Union and free movement among East Caribbean Community. Greece is the member of European Union, and one of the 26 Schengen countries which abolished their internal borders for the free and unrestricted movement of people. ACBIP was first announced on Dominica Citizenship with Greece residency can directly reach the access levels of European citizenship programs (e.g.: Cypress and Maltese). Considering the advantages of visa-free travel, offshore assets planning, living in the European Union at the expense of half the cost and time of applying for citizenship of Cyprus or Malta, along with many other benefits. Find extra info on Dominica citizenship.

As the third largest of the Dodekanese islands, Kalymnos is no stranger to tourist crowds. The influx of people flocking to the island during tourist season isn’t as high as on some of the other islands in Greece, which means that the crowds are lively but not too overwhelming. Besides that, it is one of those beautiful islands that can give you a sampling of what the Greek islands are all about. There are more than enough places to visit. The trick is finding the ones that will make your vacation as great as it could be.

Top places to see in Croatia and Slovenia? The town of Korcula, the chief settlement on the island of the same name in South Dalmatia, sits snugly on a tiny peninsula. Protected by medieval walls and towers, its car-free stone alleys are laid out in a herringbone pattern so as to give shelter from the prevailing winds. Packed with centuries-old aristocratic stone buildings, Korcula was built at a time when the island was under Venetian rule. The top points of interest include Marco Polo house, said to be the birthplace of the renowned 13th-century explorer, while one of the best things to do is catch a performance of the moreska sword dance, a traditional dance staged for tourists just outside the town walls on summer evenings. For a truly special experience, you can reach Korcula’s historic town center by catamaran from Split (daily) or Dubrovnik (summer only).

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument and is one of the most unusual attractions in Europe. It is located between Salisbury and Amesbury in Wiltshire, England, and consists of a ring of large standing stone. These stones each weigh approximately 25 tons and are around 13 feet in height. This British cultural icon is believed to have been constructed between 3000 BC and 2000 BC. Its purpose is a topic of hot debate. The stones are the centerpiece of a complex set of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments that also includes several hundred burial grounds. In 1882, the site became legally protected as a Scheduled Ancient Monument and it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986. Although Stonehenge is owned by the Crown, it is managed by English Heritage. The National Trust owns the surrounding land. Read additional info at