Removal of negative energy and healing at distance guides by The archetypal perception that most of us live in in this physical reality is one that is conditional and dual. What does that mean exactly? Well, for most of us, our experience of this physical reality is governed by the perceptions that time and space are real and fixed. We live inside of time and space meaning that our perceptions are locked into this paradigm that things are not only separated by distance, but that time only moves in one direction-forward. This perception, particularly the perception of time, is one of the things that keeps us firmly rooted in the physical world and yet at the same time may also limit our ability to manifest change and experience instant healings. Shamanic healers will tell you that time is an “illusion”.

Humankind has always believed in healing at a distance. It is only in recent history that people have questioned its efficacy and have asked the question: How does distant healing work? The short answer is: nobody knows. This might sound alarming at first because the human tendency is to demand to know before they can believe. However, the truth is that we do not know how many things in the Universe work. Just take physics: Quantum Physics still keeps physicists scratching their heads. They know that something is happening, but do not know how and what exactly.

As a fellow practitioner, when I work with Laurent on my own healing, I feel we are collaborators. As Laurent is partnered with King Solomon, Laurent’s Energy Work brings the power and fortitude of Solomon as he facilitates the healing process for each of his clients. I have felt this power, and experienced Laurent’s tremendous grounding power as well. In my case it is grounding, as my energy is light, and for others it will be uplifting, to help rid the client of heavy energy that may block healing. Laurent is a conduit for High Vibrational Entities, and a steady hand in the healing process. He is as committed to his sacred path as he is committed to his clients’ healing. See even more info on Removal of Negative Energy.

Distant healing sessions can address any issues. Negative experience such as abuse or trauma, negative thinking and feeling, and an excess of emotions, good or bad. Even things like not getting enough sleep, eating right, or taking care of your physical body. Negative thinking can affect your life and it is difficult to change. You may not be aware you have negative thoughts or feelings, especially if you are unaware of your behaviours and personality. Your negative thoughts affect your energy, therefore creating your unwanted conditions. As energy healing changes energy, it will very quickly help you change your thoughts.

Benefits of Distance Spiritual Healing: Remove negative energy and clearing of any blockages you may have, Heal both physical and mental illness, Relief from pain and stress, Free from unnecessary fear, Healthy internal organs, Clean thinking and decision-making, Increase vital power, Increase spiritual power. In the way I have chosen to work over many years, By channelling positive energies from my guides to individual or to group of 7 that requires healing. See additional info at