Top Kalimba brands and teaching letters notation with Also known as a thumb piano, the Kalimba is a delightful instrument that is enjoyed by many players worldwide. It might not be the first instrument someone would decide to take up, but nonetheless, the Kalimba can give a truly rewarding playing experience.

Lastly, check out this Mugig Kalimba Mbira Thumb Piano. It’s our second Mugig in this review, but will it be as good as the first? Read on to find out. Now, Mugig makes this especially for kids, although adults can, of course, use it too. Since it is meant to be used by children, it comes with 10 keys, unlike the 17 key models we’ve been reviewing. With 10 keys, the instrument is a lot easier for the beginner to learn on. And they can upgrade to a 17-key Kalimba when they are ready. Kid instrument or not, Mugig pours a lot of excellence into the making of this Kalimba. The construction is top notch with a mahogany body and carbon steel tines. You can rest assured that this instrument will see years of use. Even more, these materials ensure that your Kalimba sounds great. And the way the makers design these keys, you’ll find them easy to play. Plus, they also sustain very nicely which serves to enhance the sound.

Due to it has compact and personal construction, the most modern and professional ones even have inputs for amplification. The tuning of Kalimba is by interspersed notes, and on different scales, usually diatonic and pentatonic scales. Most Kalimba are tunes in International tuning of Standard C Major scale. The keys are arranged in an arpeggio shape. The chords are also possible when sliding the keys. Types of Kalimba Hollow Box Flat Board Acrylic Types of Kalimba: There are versions of the instrument that you can add resonators to add a touch of percussion. See additional info at kalimba tabs.

In addition to this, the UNOKKI Kalimba comes with a polishing cloth to keep your kalimba in tip-top condition, as well as instructions, red and green stickers, and a cloth bag. Although UNOKKI includes a much-appreciated finger protector, they don’t ship the kalimba with a waterproof case. Given that the instrument can be damaged by water, moisture, and humidity, a hard, waterproof case may be needed if you want to prolong the lifespan of your instrument. At just $25, however, you’ll have plenty left in your budget to grab a waterproof case too. Offering exceptional quality at a stunningly low price, the UNOKKI Kalimba is could be the best kalimba on the market.

Next up we have another bargain buy from the folks at Donner who always just about manage to undercut the competition. It is a typical trapezoid shaped kalimba (we have moved away from the adventurous bears) that is constructed from mahogany and is a little smaller in size than some. It features slight curves in place to provide hand rests. It is well-made and appears pretty durable the 17 featured tongues are steel with an engraved diatonic scale as well as numbers and it arrives well-tuned. It has a very basic bit of decor surrounding the sound hole and presents another nice affordable option for those torn on whether to invest in a kalimba. They also make a 10 note bass version that retails around the 20 dollar mark. It comes with a soft carry pouch, a tuning tool, and a user manual for easy reference. Read even more info at