Drinking tea is good for your health, both body and mind health. It’s no secret that drinking tea is good for you. Tea has been an integral part of traditional medicine and is revered as a cure-all in many Asian countries. The Chinese and Japanese have consumed this tea to improve health for centuries. It’s even promoted in Western medicine as a way to treat symptoms of the cold and flu.

Tea leaves are particularly rich in a class of antioxidants called flavonoids. These four teas have their own army of antioxidants posing different health benefits depending on how the leaves are picked, processed, and manufactured (this also gives each type of tea its signature color and flavor profile). They also come equipped with caffeine and an amino acid called theanine, which seems to heighten mental alertness.

Green tea may help accelerate weight loss thanks to its chemical composition. Green tea contains amino acids that signal the body to burn stored fat. The caffeine in green tea also helps boost energy so you can power through your workouts more efficiently. Studies have shown that these benefits are more pronounced in individuals of Asian decent. People of other ethnicities may also see improved weight loss numbers, but to a lower extent than others. Green tea extract is a popular weight loss supplement that is promoted to accelerate weight loss. Green tea extract is simply a concentrated form of green tea leaves. By drinking green tea, you can get the same weight loss benefits as taking a supplement.

Until recently, the millennia-old Chinese tea industry was tightly shuttered, even more than the country as a whole. Tea regions were mostly closed to foreigners. Lately, though, an outward-looking China has been marketing its cultural patrimony, and tourism to tea-growing areas is encouraged. So when I arrived in Wuyishan, a city of 224,000, for the sole purpose of drinking tea, Liu understood. He met me at the airport, then drove a long way up a narrow road to a restaurant that resembled a south Texas barbecue shack. There were rickety wooden sheds connected by planks in the overgrown grass, not your usual setting for a Rabelaisian feast.

Tea contains antioxidants. Antioxidants work to prevent the body’s version of rust and thus help to keep us young and protect us from damage from pollution. Load up on antioxidants with a white tea, which is less processed than black or green tea so it retains more beneficial antioxidants.

We want to introduce the world to new levels of premium teas and bringing people closer through the enjoyment of tea. There is nothing more satisfying then helping others find new horizons and helping people to spend more time together. Tea is more then just a product to use. It is a way of life and we would love to bring more light to the variety of cultural aspects of tea. See extra details about Red Moon Tea LLC, a high quality iced tea supplier.

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