Havanese dogs training guides 2021? An untreated liver shunt can lead to serious kidney disorders. The only good news is that a liver shunt is able to be treated often by a special diet. However, depending on where the shunt is located and what the severity is, your Havanese dog may need to go for surgery. Most of these medical issues you have no control over as an owner. There isn’t much you can do to stop hip problems or bone deformation. However, it is up to you to take your dog in to get them checked every year. This is something you should do annually. Always check for any of the medical problems mentioned above.

Overfeeding your dog peas can be dangerous. They cannot handle the same amount of peas that a human may eat. Additionally, there are some conditions that may arise from eating too many peas, especially if the overfeeding of peas is consistent. Feeding your dog a few peas is not going to hurt. However, too many peas can be harmful to your pet. This is because peas contain purines, which is a naturally occurring chemical compound. Purines create uric acid, which is filtered through the kidneys. Too much uric acid can cause issues with the kidneys such as kidney stones or other conditions. For this reason, you should avoid feeding your dog any peas if it has any pre-existing problems with its kidneys or kidney disease.

When training your Havanese, keep in mind that dogs don’t have the same ability to focus as we do. Your dog isn’t about to sit down and study for a test for six hours. A puppy has an even shorter attention span, and so it is recommended to train them only for one or two minutes at a time, maybe three or four times a day. For an adult, you can try twenty-minute training sessions. Are Havanese Dogs Easy to Potty Train? This falls into the same house as whether Havanese are easy to train. The answer is yes. You can train your Havanese to go use the toilet in the right place. However, this is a trickier job than training your pup not to dig holes in your carpet. See more info at Gateway Havanese. What About Litter Box Training? Yes you can train a Havanese dog to use a litter box, but this might be a whole other discussion. You can also train a Havanese not to get into your cats litter box. Dog owners need this because dogs can get sick if they eat the litter.

The elephant ear plant contains chemicals very similar to those found inside of the dumb cane plant and therefore can cause similar symptoms when eaten by a dog: excess salivation, drooling, vomiting, and problems swallowing. Your dog probably won’t die if it chews a bit of elephant ear, but it’s still something you don’t want to be planting outside if your dog will be spending time in the yard. Poison ivy is obviously dangerous to everyone, you and your dogs and your cats. But even normal ivy, like the stuff that grows in and out of your wooden fence, can be harmful to dogs. Ivy is a great way to keep your neighbors from looking through your fence, but too much contact with regular ivy can give your dog a rash. And if your dog eats the ivy, it can develop serious breathing problems and even become paralyzed.

Welcome to Gateway Havenese!! We are an all in one resource for Havanese Dogs. Below you will find links to various resources within the website and also opportunities to find out all about Havanese Dogs. These little guys are quite the heart stealers, and it’s no surprise that more and more people are looking at adding a Havanese to the Family. Are you looking for a little extra help with your Havanese training? I think we all are. Check out our 2021 training guide and pick up some new tricks. Discover more details at Gateway Havanese.